Ford Credit Dealer ad

Here's a project I helped with in what I like to call my first unofficial role as director. As things got super busy come the holiday season of 2019 into 2020, everyone was losing their minds finishing up deadlines.

As a storyboard artist who wanted to help where I could, I worked alongside my animator Collin and decided to take this project on as other producers were a bit bogged down with other projects.

Animation this time was of course done by Collin; But structuring the narrative, blocking out segments, and maintaining client communication was all on me for this clip. Producers and directors took note of my "ownership" of this project and dubbed Ford Credit as "Cam's baby."

This animation was well received by the Ford Credit team. With all of the time spent on solidifying the creative and postponing on their end, they absolutely loved this piece. They anticipated using it for a wider purpose once it made its initial debut at the dealer show.


Mach-E CES Animation